The 26 Best AeroPress Recipes for a Regular Cup of Coffee
Coffee in a mug - it doesn't need to be any more complicated than that. These AeroPress recipes are designed to give you a classic cup of coffee, about 8 ounces (or 240 milliliters). You can add milk or sugar if that's to your taste, but it's by no means necessary. With freshly ground beans, roasted within the last few weeks, you're in for a treat. Everyone has their own take on how to make the best classic cup, so try some of these recipes and see which you like best. The results may surprise you!

Alan AdlerRegular Cup
Blue BottleRegular Cup
Bould BrothersRegular Cup
Chris BacaRegular Cup
Coffee with AprilRegular Cup
Coffee with CarlRegular Cup
CoffeeGeekRegular Cup Metal Filter
Counter CultureRegular Cup
HeartRegular Cup
IntelligentsiaRegular Cup
James HoffmannRegular Cup
Jonathan GagnéRegular Cup
Jonathan GagnéRegular Cup Prismo
Joshua ReyRegular Cup Prismo
Kyle RowsellRegular Cup
Michael FabianRegular Cup Prismo
OnyxRegular Cup
Passenger CoffeeRegular Cup
RitualRegular Cup
SightglassRegular Cup
StumptownRegular Cup
The Coffee CompassRegular Cup
The Real SprometheusRegular Cup
The Real SprometheusPourover
Tim WendelboeRegular Cup
Wendelien van BunnikRegular Cup
Looking for More?
Download the Aeromatic app to explore 50+ AeroPress recipes, with tons of additional features, like the ability to add notes and favorites, log coffee beans, and watch video walkthroughs. You can also try creating your own recipes!