21 Championship-Winning AeroPress Recipes
The World AeroPress Championship (WAC) is a global competition held every year, where AeroPress brewers take part in regional and national events to see who can brew the best cup of coffee. The winners of these events go head-to-head representing their countries in the world final. The recipes in this category have been judged the best in the world, so we highly recommend trying them out. Most of them are designed for a lighter roast, and whenever possible we've listed the exact bean used in the competition.

WAC 2023 WinnerTay Wipvasutt
WAC 2023 Runner-UpCarlo Graf Bülow
WAC 2022 WinnerJibbi Little
WAC 2022 Runner-UpSimon Derutter
WAC 2021 WinnerTuomas Merikanto
WAC 2021 Runner-UpMaru Mallee
WAC 2019 WinnerWendelien van Bunnik
WAC 2019 Runner-UpBenja Khemacheva Metal Filter
WAC 2018 WinnerCarolina Ibarra Garay
WAC 2018 Runner-UpClay Zhang
WAC 2017 WinnerPaulina Miczka
WAC 2017 Runner-UpYusuke Narisawa
WAC 2016 WinnerFilip Kucharczyk
WAC 2016 Runner-UpJérôme Dittmar
WAC 2015 WinnerLukas Zahradnik
WAC 2015 Runner-UpNick Hatch
WAC 2014 WinnerShuichi Sasaki
WAC 2014 Runner-UpMartin Karabinos
WAC 2013 WinnerJeff Verellen
WAC 2012 WinnerCharlene de Buysere
US Brewers Cup Qualifier 2018Wade Preston Prismo
Looking for More?
Download the Aeromatic app to explore 50+ AeroPress recipes, with tons of additional features, like the ability to add notes and favorites, log coffee beans, and watch video walkthroughs. You can also try creating your own recipes!